Tenaru is a settlement about 12 miles east of Honiara. The Sikaiana people have a large settlement there. It is the site of a church and many Sikaiana events including festivals, marriages and funerals that draw people from the Honiara area. It is currently (2020) the location of a Cultural Village and the Tuata celebration in July. It is located along the North Coast of Guadalcanal and is the site of the marine landing in August 1942 during World War II. There was some movement during ethnic disturbances in the early 2000s. These are pictures from 1980-93.
Dancing Preparation for Feast Robert Sisilo c 1987 shoreline funeral My beautiful picture church church event Penupenu, Marriage Exchange Marriage Exchange Puppet Show at Church,
Abel and CainChurch Group Church puppet show inside house George Vanteiti, 1980 Cook house